Mumbai University in 2007
Aptech in 2007 (Diploma)
2007 to 2014 (7 years)
2014 to Till Date (8 years)
8 years of Experience working on PHP, My SQL, Word Press, VB.Net, VS.Net, HTML, XML, .Net, SQL Servers etc
5 years experience working on Planning, Pay Per Click Advertising,Social Media Management,Email Marketing,Mobile Marketing,Content Marketing and Digital Copy Writing, Instant Messaging Marketing,Sponsored Content,Inbound Marketing,Online PR,Email Marketing,Marketing Automation,Native Advertising,Affiliate Marketing,Content Marketing
Domain Authority,Accelerated Mobile Pages,Alternative Text,Backlinks,Black Hat, White Hat, Grey Hat SEO,Bounce Rate,Breadcrumb Navigation,Click-through Rate, Content Management System,Conversion,Featured Snippets,Google Analytics,Google My Business,HTML,Keyword Research,Keyword Spamming,Long-tail, Middle Tail, And Small Tail Keywords,Meta Descriptions, Alt Image,Relevance,Responsive Design,Schema MarkUp,Site Structure,SSL Certificate,Structured Data Among Other
Mohsin has been doing Digital Marketing,SEO, Web Designing for my website & he is brilliant in his work. Keep going good.
I told him to prepare a good website for me and has done it amazingly, I am also looking forward to do SEO & Digital Marketing for my website.
Mohsin Patel has designed my 6 websites till date without any issues. He is master in Web Designing work. Best of Luck. Going Great.
You have made awesome Website & Digital Marketing. Mohsin Patel you are best in Digital Marketing, SEO & Web Designing Work.